Low back pain

Where a third of patients attending orthopedic clinics complaining of lower back pain. Most people are exposed to the feeling back pain at some point in their lives, but soon disappear this pain without the need for treatment.

The symptoms are a localized pain in the lower back

May spread this pain of the lower limbs (sciatica)

With the occurrence of paresthesia and / or pressure in the leg muscles.

Definition of the disease:

Back pain of the most common diseases, where a third of patients attending orthopedic clinics complaining of lower back pain.

Most people are exposed to the feeling back pain at some point in their lives, but soon disappear this pain without the need for treatment.

It is natural overlap back pain for a long time with daily activities,

It is natural that the back pain continues for more than a week or two,

And can be re-symptoms, but it is natural that these symptoms will lead to disability.


1 - muscle strain.

2 - torn muscles in the lower back.

3 - a herniated disc (which is one of the most causes of back pain).

4 - sliding spine.

5 - friction and roughness paragraphs.

6 - inflammation of the cartilage and paragraphs.


The symptoms are a localized pain in the lower back,

May spread this pain of the lower limbs (sciatica),

With the occurrence of paresthesia and / or pressure in the leg muscles,

If these symptoms are present evidence of a slipped disc with the pressure on the nerve.

What is sciatica?

Is called stretching from back pain to a man because of the pressure of the cartilage at the beginning of this slider nerve.


How do we make sure of the cause (diagnosis) lower back pain?

1 - the patient's complaint and the exact description of the symptoms.

2 - clinically examined the patient.

3 - blood tests.

4 - regular and magnetic radiation.

Methods of Treatment:

By reason:

1 - muscle pain: bed rest, with the use of painkillers and physiotherapy.

2 - Spondylolisthesis:

A - treat conservatory 90% of patients respond to treatment removed (analgesic drugs, and physical therapy, and alleviate stressful business).

B - surgical treatment: in the following cases:

1 - sliding a large lead to the imprisonment of urine and weakness the men Klta.

2 - not the patient's response to treatment removed enough for 6 weeks.

3 - weak nerves on the rise.

4 - Back slip and pains that affect a patient's quality of life and the process.

How can avoid getting back pain and slipped discs?

1 - Download purposes Btrivhasahihh (vertically and not bend)

2 - straight session on the chair and car seat and use of health Holy.

3 - sleeping on a mattress sides healthy.

4 - Weight Loss If a plus.

5 - daily work without curvature as much as possible.

Guidelines for patient's lower back pain:

1 - overweight lead to excessive pressure on the tissues of the back so try hard to reduce the weight by constantly walking and exercise and reducing sugars and starchy and mental in your food and the tendency to vegetables and low-calorie fruit.

2 - Avoid continue to sit or stand for a long time and if necessary there should be a break every half hour during which at least you walk a little bit and change

Situation and the work of some of the exercises described specialist.

3 - Avoid sitting bent forward and should be the length of the office or the table you are working on appropriate so as not to tend more and your back curve and should also be the office is very close to you.

4 - Avoid sleeping while sitting.

5 - when you sit down should be back from the buttocks to the top of the back straight and adjacent to a chair and a small pillow can be placed to support the lower back in the office or in the car. Budge yourself forward and sit relaxed.

6 - preferably the chair you sit The armrests, it removes a lot of the loads on the back and prefer to rely on these cushions while doing sit to stand.

7 - can use a pillow under arms during reading in order to reduce pressure on the lower back and neck.

8 - at having to stand for a long time (while shaving or brushing your teeth or ironing) preferred to use a small chair (30 cm, for example) to put a feet and then

Switch the other leg.

9 - to prevent bending back strongly while wearing shoes or socks or pants, you can rely on the wall and lifting leg-wear. You can also sit or lie down on the bed while wearing.

10 - avoid bending back to work or carry something even if it's just to pick up a paper.

11 - bend back with the rotation of the trunk to lift anything more pressure mica *** Yeh suffered by noon.

12 - smoking of the factors that increase from lower back pain, so if you are a smoker stops immediately.

13 - Regular walking for 15 - 20 minutes twice or three times daily is very useful to improve blood circulation to the tissues of the back and to improve the nutrition of cartilage and increase the durability of the muscles


14 - avoid reading or watching TV and you're lying on the bed as it is in most situations will be back in a bad situation.

15 - Avoid bending forward while sneezing or coughing and to prevent back pain during coughing or sneezing grasp your back and stomach muscles before sneezing or coughing.

16 - I carry two bags equal rather than one heavy bag.

17 - Avoid exposing your back to air currents and try to avoid sudden changes of the atmosphere like moving from a hot air to the air conditioning.

18 - swimming sports beneficial and safe for the patient lower back pain where momentum water helps to reduce pressure on the lower back and exercise easily.

19 - to do from the patient's bed bending knees and turn to sleep on his side and is out of this situation to sit through hands while down payment legs and then do the patient with the same steps to sleep on the bed, but in reverse order.

20 - Avoid lifting heavy objects and when you lift something from the ground must be close to you (between your knees, for example) and made a leg from the other, where commends knees while keeping the back straight then lifted thing by individual knees while keeping the back straight. Avoid rapid movements and rewinding Paljza weight during pregnancy, but der your body as one unit through your feet.

21 - When you carry anything should be close to the body as much as possible.

22 - when dealing with something on a high shelf prefer to stand on something high. If the shelf is high followed by the following: feet leg forward and make your body weight on the front leg during landing thing then transferred weight on the back leg.

23 - avoid sexual activity during the bouts of pain.

24 - avoid stress back or carry anything when waking from sleep, especially after sleeping for a long time where the water content of the cartilage largest and therefore the risk of greater Also avoid stress back or carry anything after sitting for a long time (such as carrying bags after a long period of sitting while traveling (

25 - Avoid using shoes with high heels as it leads to an imbalance in the Mica *** Yeh back exacerbating pain.

26 - If you have to stand long tried at regular intervals that you bend back and you are standing in the direction of touching your toes, but with maintaining the knee slightly bent.

27 - Place a small pillow while sitting between the lower back and your chair on the volume of the space between the lumbar spine and the chair and if this Wanger available struck towel and placed between the lower back and the chair you sit in the home, office or car.

28 - Avoid sleeping on the stomach than the pressures of mica *** Yeh suffered by the back and, if necessary, put a pillow under your belly to help in straightening the lumbar spine while sleeping on the belly.

29 - bed must be a strong pillar of your back Valmertbh very soft sponge Oowalsrir with zippers lead to excessive pressure on the tissues of the back.

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Interview i forbindelse med min kommende udstilling i Arkitekternes Hus


MAA MM: IND under huden

Arkitekt MAA Maya Peitersen udstiller værker og tuschtegninger i Arkitekternes Hus fra den 22.11, hvor der er åben fernisering, til den 10.1.2012

”I udstillingen, bliver vi konfronteret med menneskets inderside. Jeg etablerer et univers, hvor psykiske tilstande er omformet til faste materialer, og hermed bliver flygtige tilstande i sindet pludselig konkrete.

Rummene er skrøbelige og utilregnelige, men fremstår usentimentale. Det er rum, der i deres skala og størrelse står i forhold til kroppen. Man involveres som beskuer både fysisk og psykisk i udstillingen”, siger Maya Peitersen, sideløbende med sit virke som arkitekt, formidler og underviser, arbejder som billedkunstner og derfor er med i udstillingsrækken MAA MM.

I udstillingen IND vil publikum opleve to store værker bygget i træ og 2 tuschtegninger på 2x1,5m hver. Det er rum der i deres skala og størrelse står i forhold til kroppen og beskueren involveres både fysisk og psykisk i udstillingen, forklarer Maya.

Dysfunktionelle rum
”Udstillingen hedder IND fordi jeg med mine værker ønsker at trænge ind i menneskesindets dunkle afkroge, forklarer Maya.

”De fysiske rum jeg viser, er dysfunktionelle ligesom de menneskelige tilstande de afbilder. De mentale rum er blevet vendt på vrangen, de har vokset sig store og fylder så meget at de er blevet fysiske.

De mentale rum er blevet vendt på vrangen, de har vokset sig store og fylder så meget at de er blevet fysiske. Mit arbejde består i at transformere disse rum fra det indre til det ydre. De er henholdsvis psykiske og erindrede rum.

Det startede med at jeg arbejdede med skizofrene tilstande, fordi jeg gerne ville undersøge hvad der skete, når den skizofrene nærmest ”byggede” et fysisk skel op mellem sig selv og verden. Samfundet stigmatiserer mennesket som dysfunktionelt og det bliver umuligt at fremstå som andet end syg. Situationen bliver så, at den skizofrene ikke kan række over skellet, mennesket kan hverken nå eller nås.

Disse tilstande ligger latent i alle og vil, tror jeg, vække en form for genkendelse i de fleste”, siger Maya.

Grænsen mellem arkitektur og billedkunst er flydende
”Jeg har en baggrund som arkitekt, og i mine øjne fungerer arkitekturen kun hvis forholdet mellem krop og ånd er lige fordelt. Grænsen mellem arkitektur og billedkunst, kan jeg godt lide at holde flydende; på den måde kommer jeg tættere på det jeg vil udtrykke”.

Hvordan inspirerer dit virke som arkitekt dig i dine værker?
”Jeg bruger min baggrund som arkitekt i min tilgang til rummet og i den håndværksmæssige præcision, som jeg lægger stor vægt på i mine værker. Jeg arbejder ud fra arkitektonisk æstetiske principper og har en både emotionel og forskningspræget tilgang til stoffet og faget. Når jeg arbejder så rumligt og materielt formelt som jeg gør, så er det fordi det er en måde for mig, at trække disse tilstande ind i verden på en håndgribelig måde.

Min primære praksis bevæger sig i krydsfeltet mellem billedkunst og arkitektur. I reglen har jeg en længere forskningsfase i det område jeg vil arbejde med; her rejser jeg ofte, opsøger film, teater, koncerter, udstillinger og arkitektur der åbner området for mig. Jeg læser relevant litteratur, både fag- og skønlitteratur, navnlig poesi. Musik inspirerer mig meget, men jeg arbejder også ofte i stilhed".

Væren i det kollektive
Det enkelte menneskes væren i det kollektive rum interesserer mig dybt og er et emne, som jeg gang på gang dykker ned i fra forskellige vinkler. Jeg udvikler mine kunstneriske og arkitektoniske principper gennem skitsering og modelarbejde, hvorefter jeg bygger mine endelige værker i fuld skala. Jeg arbejder i størrelser, der relaterer sig direkte til kroppen, ligesom en bygning gør det. Jeg formidler mit kunstneriske udviklingsarbejde gennem udstillinger.

I reglen arbejder jeg alene, har for nylig indgået et samarbejde med billedkunstneren Linda Bjørnskov. Sammen har vi dannet kunstnergruppen The Truth Behind Small.
Sideløbende med min egen praksis formidler jeg endvidere mine tanker og ideer gennem undervisning, dels som underviser på Albertslund billedskole, dels som gæstelære på Kunsthøjskolen i Holbæk. Herudover var jeg formand for Albertslund Billedkunstråd fra 2011-2012.

Tid og sted
Arkitekternes Hus, Strandgade 27A 1401 København K
man-tors. 9-16.30 og fredag 9-15.30 fra d. 22.11.12 til og med d. 10.1.13
Fernisering tors. den 22.11 kl 16.30



Old Cairo, Masr el Qadima, lies aural the old Roman breastwork of Babylon. It
was not alone a belted but heavily adherent burghal with attenuated streets and
cobbled alleys. How the name of the acclaimed Babylon of the Euphrates came to be
echoed in Egypt is not known. However, the Coptic historian John of Nikou, who
lived at the time of the Arab active of Egypt, claimed that it was
originally congenital during the Persian activity of Egypt, 525-332 BC, and that
it was at that time alleged the "Fortress of Babylon". This news is reinforced
by a abundant beforehand company to the acreage of the Nile, the classical writer
Diodorus Siculus, who asserted that the name was brought by prisoners of war
from abundant Babylon (the 12th Dynasty Pharaoh Senusert, some 2000 years BC,
brought them to anatomy accessible works). These Babylonians, he claimed, revolted
against the Egyptians and congenital a barricade for protection, which had long
fallen to ruin back Persians came and rebuilt it befitting the "Fortress of
Babylon" name.

When the Roman geographer Strabo came to Egypt aboriginal in the Christian era, he
found that what is now apperceive as "Old Cairo" was, indeed, a breastwork boondocks and
was active by three Roman garrisons. The emperor Trajan (98-117), it was
said, austere a aqueduct that was active through the burghal and included some
urban areas, into the continued fortress. Moreover, he austere a canal
connecting the Nile with the Red Sea, which had originally been dug by the
pharaohs of the 26th Dynasty, about 600 BC, and was appear to him by the
Egyptians [[ The Suez Aqueduct is hardly a French idea; Egyptians 2500 years
earlier affiliated the Read and Mediterranean seas!]]. By this time the area
was accepted as the "Castle of Babylon". Under the Christian emperor Arcadius
(395-408), the Copts began to anatomy abundant churches in Old Cairo. Forty-two
are believed to accept already stood in an breadth of about sixty acres, which
extended to northwards as far as today's Ezbekieh Gardens, abreast the Opera
Square in Cairo.

At the time of the Arab acquisition in 641 AD, Babylon was such a sizable
community that allotment of the fortress, including the huge architectonics and bastions,
was affiliated by walls to the anew founded Arab basic of Fustat. These
towers as able-bodied as the bastions were at aboriginal acclimated as dwellings for the
garrison. Afterwards Amr Ibn el-Ass, baton of the Arabs at the time of the
conquest, alternate to the Copts the acreage that the Imperial government had
taken from them. Forthwith the accomplished of Old Cairo became inhabited exclusively
by Copts and the Arabs recruited bounded activity from their ranks to anatomy the new
capital (refer to the commodity about Coptic Art, Copt-Net Newsletter, affair #2,
for a abundant altercation of the Coptic Craftsmenship). Today, Old Cairo
remains affluent with Coptic monuments, churches, and monasteries.
Coptic churches were rebuilt and adequate time and afresh over the centuries,
often re-using copse and stone-work. For this acumen some genitalia of a abbey may
be of beforehand date than the anatomy itself. Although they alter in admeasurement and
architecture appearance they buck the apparent brand of a Coptic church. The
exteriors are characterized by abundant artlessness and are often
indistinguishable from neighboring, unadorned, brick dwellings crabbed a
cobbled street. The arbor of the architectonics runs east to west with the entrance
to the west and the aerial chantry placed in the east abutting the ascent run.
The autogenous of the aboriginal churches has a simple arena plan in four main
divisions: the forecourt or narthex, the capital anatomy of the abbey with the nave
higher than the ancillary aisles, a balustrade or transept, and the close chambers. The
nave, which has an angled balk roof, is afar from the ancillary aisles by
columns with acknowledging arches, enabling a additional row of columns to be
superimposed on them and accouterment ablaze from the clerestory. The columns had
their shafts corrective with abstracts of saints. The ancillary aisles are additionally arched
with balk but are at a lower level.

There was originally a low breastwork with curtains amid the capital anatomy of
the abbey from the sanctuary, which is usually erected on ascent arena and
ascended by a few steps. Afterwards the breastwork became a abuse or awning beyond
which alone those in angelic orders may pass. The chantry awning is fabricated of
wood, about busy with geometrical segments of atramentous and ivory of
intricate workmanship. Facing the aggregation (west), icons of Christ the
King and the anytime Virgin Mary are afraid on the arctic and southern abandon of
the screen, which was afterwards alleged the "icon carrier". It is accepted to find
icons for Archangel Michael, Saint John the Baptist, and the church's patron
saint on the figure carrier. It is accepted to acquisition ostrich eggs blind abutting to
the figure carrier, in advanced of the sanctuary. These eggs are ornaments that
symbolize the acuity with which an ostrich ceaselessly protects its egg,
and is appropriately meant to admonish the aggregation that their thoughts
should be analogously absorption on airy matters. About speaking, the
Coptic attitude commendations the egg as an adumbration of the awakening (the life
coming out of the acutely asleep egg). The use of eggs as ornaments is
undoubtedly adopted from age-old Egyptian customs. Ostrich eggs and pottery
eggs accept been acclimated as adorning elements in churches and afterwards in mosques
that were erected by Copts afterwards the Arabs' acquisition of Egypt.
Behind the figure carrier are three domed apses (hayakel). The axial apse
holds the chantry of the saint to whom the abbey is committed (the angel of
the church). The ancillary apses are acclimated back there is added than one account of
the all-powerful celebration per day. Coptic altars are free-standing and in the middle
of the chapel. Abaft the axial chantry there is a attorneys with a head for
a abbey and seats for the officiating clergy. A alcove in the bank usually
holds a chantry lamp, accepted as the abiding lamp (kandil). In the early
years of Christianity, it was accepted to coffin the bodies of saints or
martyrs below the altar, either in a basement or in a catacomb below the floor
of the sanctuary. Most of the old Coptic churches (in accurate the desert
churches of the monasteries) still acquire relics, which are amid in a
casket below a cottony adornment or kept below bottle beside a account of the
patron saint.

In the antechamber of some of the old churches there is an ellipsoidal catchbasin sunk in the
floor. This was originally acclimated for cooler or absolution of water, for which
also sunk in the floor, was acclimated for the foot-washing account commemorating
the abrasion of the disciples' anxiety by the Lord on Maundy Thursday.
Another important affection of old Coptic churches is the area of the
baptistry. In the age-old actual churches (for archetype the abbey of Abu
Sarga), a applicant for ablution was aboriginal accustomed in a baby ante alcove and
then descended three accomplish into the baptistry, area he/she was absorbed in
the adored water. Back the commemoration was completed he/she accustomed the
Eucharist and alone again was accustomed to access the church. Alone afterwards was the
baptistry confused to the ancillary of the antechamber of a abbey (but still afore the
nave and aisles). This change was in band with the custom of basement the
church aggregation in the three capital genitalia of the church: the priest and
serving deacons about the chantry (behind the figure carrier), the believers in
the nave, and the believers-to-be in the narthex. And afterwards still, the
baptistry was complete at the end of the arctic alley abreast the altar.
Today, hardly a abbey in Egypt has its baptistry alfresco the capital allotment of
the church. Instead, the baptistry is now about anchored at the high end
of the arctic alley of the church. The advanced is a basin abysmal abundant to allow
the priest to absolutely asperse the adolescent in the adored admit thrice
while pronouncing the baptismal formulary: "I admit you in the name
of the Father, Son, and Angelic Spirit, the One God, Amen."

Coptic churches that were congenital afterwards the third century, had one of two common
floor plans. They were congenital on the appearance of a cantankerous to accent that the
"redemption is through the church" or they were congenital on the appearance of a ship
to accent the angle of "the abbey as a address adequate by God amphibian in
the bosom of the world's torrents" (appealing to Noah's ark).
Among the important churches in Old Cairo, we cite: The Blind Abbey "Al
Moallaka", the Abbey of Saint Sergius "Abu Serga", the Abbey of Saint
Barbara (originally the Abbey of Saint Cyrus "Abu Kir" and Saint John
"Yuhanna"), the Convent of Saint George, and the Convent of Saint
Mercurius "Abu Seifein". [[Special accessories will be adherent to anniversary one
of these landmarks in abstracted issues of the Copt-Net newsletter.]]
Today, architectonics fresh churches in the predominantly Moslem Egypt is absolutely
difficult. A Presidential admittance charge be acquired to anatomy a fresh abbey and
very few permits accept been awarded in the aftermost few decades. As a result, Copts
find themselves answerable to unofficially transform their houses, garages, etc.
to places of adoration so as to board their growing communities,
especially that alfresco accessible Christian adoration is about not allowed.
Unfortunately, such about "adapted" churches buck little (if any)
resemblance to the anatomy and architectonics of the age-old churches of

Hunger Games: success 'mind-blowing' for Hutcherson

LOS ANGELES - Actor Josh Hutcherson never realized when he took on the role of Peeta Mellark in "The Hunger Games" how big an impact the post-apocalyptic survival film would have on popular culture.

The actor, 19, still finds it "mind-blowing" that the movie based on the best-selling sci-fi novels by author Suzanne Collins became a box office hit in theaters this past March, taking in $685 million worldwide.
The movie sees rebellious teen heroine Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) fight in a televised battle-to-the-death that has been ordered by a totalitarian government. In the process, she becomes a beacon of hope for freedom. Hutcherson portrays Peeta, Katniss' fighting partner and love interest.
The DVD is set for release just after midnight on Friday, packed with bonus features and interviews, and the film sequel, "Catching Fire," is due in theaters in November 2013.
Hutcherson spoke to Reuters about the cultural impact of the franchise and creating on-screen chemistry with Lawrence.
Q: You've had a few months to consider the success of "The Hunger Games." Are you surprised at how well the movie has done?
A: "It's still mind-blowing to me. I think we all kind of knew there was a pretty big fan base for the books, but I never expected people to be this crazy about it and it to be this successful. Our main goal was to make a great movie and I think that's what we did."
Q: Which aspects of "The Hunger Games" story do you think resonate most deeply with fans of today's pop culture?
A: "The media and reality TV is a huge part of our culture now and we're seeing that extrapolated to the most extreme in the future (in the movie) ... and the idea there are movements all over the world now. People are coming together and standing up for something they believe in and I think that's what this story is all about. More than ever, people have this power and feeling they need to do right and rise up and speak out."
Q: The DVD comes packed with bonus features such as interviews, video diaries and a look at the making of the movie. Which do you think fans will enjoy the most?
A: "I'm always really curious to see how a book can turn into a movie and on the DVD there's an eight-part mini series basically going through the whole process of book to film and that's really cool. Within that you see a lot of our training and the writing process ... even though I lived it, I'm excited to see it on the DVD and see what it's like from set to finish."
Q: The "Hunger Games" books get progressively darker and more violent as Katniss' revolution rises against President Snow's oppressive regime. How do you think this will be dealt with in the upcoming films, which are rated PG-13?
A: "We didn't shy away from the violence, but at the same time, we didn't have to go graphic with it. So, I think it'll be similar in the second movie as far as the action goes. As far as the overall story going to a darker place, I think sometimes in life, it can be very dark and grim and very real, and I feel that by writing the book that way, Suzanne made it feel real for me. That's something young people are able to see ... the story is about hope and rising up against something. Even though it's dark at times, it still has this light being, Katniss, and her ability to try to start this big movement to fight."
Q: Speaking of Katniss, you and Jennifer won the MTV Movie Award for best kiss in June. It had been dominated by the stars of vampire romance "Twilight" in recent years. Feel good to win?
A: "Jennifer and I are such good friends. One of the hardest parts for us is to pretend we're in love on screen. It feels so cheesy at times because we're in love with each other in real life as really good friends and just switching that dynamic over was like, 'can we actually do this? We're so goofy and silly together, can we actually pretend that we're seriously lovers?' It's good to know that people say 'yes, you can.'"
Q: What are you most excited to explore in "Catching Fire?"
A: "Katniss and Peeta's relationship because Peeta loves Katniss and can't help himself from loving Katniss. At the same time he feels like Katniss is just playing this game for everybody else and she doesn't actually have any real feelings for Peeta. As an actor, it's hard to play that, yet also really fun and challenging. I can't wait to dive into that aspect.

Winning $337 million Powerball ticket sold at Mich. gas station

A single ticket sold at a gas station in Michigan matched all five numbers and the red Powerball to win the $337 million jackpot, the 3rd largest Powerball prize in U.S. history, lottery officials said Thursday. 
Sales surged beyond expectations for the prize, which comes with an immediate cash option of $241 million, said lottery operator Multi-State Lottery Association, comprised of lotteries in 32 states and the District of Columbia.
The winning numbers drawn on Wednesday were 6, 27, 46, 51, 56 and the red Powerball, 21. The odds of having a winning ticket were one in 175 million, according to the lottery. 
The $337 million ticket was sold in Lapeer, about 45 miles north of Detroit. There wasn't immediate word about the buyer's identity, the Michigan Lottery said early Thursday.A person who answered the phone Thursday morning at the Sunoco station told The Associated Press that he was too busy to talk.
Eight tickets matched five of the winning numbers to win $1 million. Two of those tickets were sold in Indiana. The others were sold in Kansas, Kentucky, New Jersey, New Mexico, Pennsylvania and Virginia.
There was also a ticket sold in Nebraska that added the Power Play to win $2 million.The jackpot has rolled 14 times since June 27. The last win was on June 23, when a Connecticut couple took home a $60 million prize.
"I can't even really think of what I wouldn't do," 7-Eleven customer Shelley Taylor told NBC station WBAL of Baltimore, about dreams of winning the jackpot.
"Absolutely nothing but travel; I would travel; quit my job and travel," customer Maresa Gold said.
The largest Powerball jackpot of $365 million was won in 2006 by eight workers from a meat-packing plant in Nebraska.
Tickets, which start at $2, are on sale until about one hour (times vary by state) before the 10:59 p.m. ET drawing. Five white numbered balls are drawn from a drum with 59 balls and one red Powerball from a drum with 35 numbered red balls.

Local Parents React to Massive Bumbo Recall

SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (WGGB) — Four million Bumbo Baby Seats are being recalled after nearly two dozen reports of skull fractures.
According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, it’s too easy for babies to maneuver or fall out of the seats.
To fix the problem, Bumbo International is offering free repair kits that include seat belts.
“I can understand why there was a recall,” says Kaitlin Cookish of Agawam.
Cookish put a Bumbo Baby Seat on her registry two years ago, after friends told her she had to have the product.
“All of my friends who were moms, or friends who had nieces or nephews said I had to get this Bumbo,” says Cookish.
When her daughter Kenna was an infant, it was hard to get her to sit in the seat.
So, their Bumbo doesn’t get much use, but when it does, Kenna can only use it on a carpeted floor.
“I can tell people probably put it on a surface that was higher,” says Cookish. “I can see why it would have fallen.”
The product was recalled in 2007 to include a warning against placing the Bumbo Baby Seat on raised surfaces. But the Consumer Product Safety Commission reports that 50 of the 84 reported infant injuries happened while the Bumbo was on a raised surface. In addition, 19 of the 21 reported skull fractures happened while the Bumbo was on a raised surface.
If you’re one of the 4 million consumers who purchased a Bumbo, the company is asking that you complete an order form for a free repair kit at www.recall.bumbousa.com
Until the repair kit arrives, consumers are asked to stop using their Bumbo Baby Seat immediately.

Julia Child founded 'cult of the kitchen. Her friend recalls

Ariane Daguin is a French culinary expert and the founder of D’Artagnan, a purveyor of specialty meats and delicacies. Here, she writes about her relationship with Julia Child, whom she met and befriended almost three decades ago
Julia Child was the initiator of the good-food crusade. In our world of gastronomy, there are definitely two Americas: the one before Julia, and the one after.
She was the pioneer who elevated good food to a higher priority in this country. Without her, legions of dedicated artisanal suppliers, passionate chefs, and prolific writers would not be here today, arguing about the true meaning of organic or local and seasonal boundaries or the proper age of a Berkshire pig to achieve ideal belly fat.
It’s wonderful to see the world celebrating Julia on the 100th anniversary of her birth. But I’m not surprised, because there is no other “food celebrity” who inspires more affection and devotion. She was the beginning of our modern concept of a food celebrity.
Julia's personality was so huge and so generous that it came through the TV. Whether she was tossing a limp, American-style baguette over her shoulder in disgust or burning her eyebrows off making bananas flambé, Julia embodied the spirit of adventure in cooking. She was always learning, even as she taught. She made cooking entertaining, took it from drudgery to artistry and beyond that, to fun. And she did it in very approachable way, making mistakes, dropping things on the floor, the way you do in real life. Suddenly, French food wasn’t so fancy; it was food you could make at home.

I met Julia, who would end up helping me promote D’Artagnan, while her influence was at its height. She could not participate in a cooking seminar, enter a restaurant, or even cross the street without creating a mob scene. So I learned quickly that once we entered a public place, whether intimate or not, there would be no more one-on-one conversation.
Story: Bon appetit! Restaurants celebrate Julia Child's 100th birthday
At the time, 28 years ago (when D'Artagnan started), she was actively working to organize the gastronomes of the country, and constantly invited us to participate in her events and gatherings. When we were together, she would take me under her wing, like a second mother this side of the Atlantic Ocean. As we giggled in French between ourselves, she would make a point to introduce me to everybody in sight who was “somebody.”
I remember one of the first conferences of the American Institute of Wine and Food, which Julia helped create. We had an extremely animated discussion with author Calvin Trillin about cooking spare ribs, and another with chef Alice Waters, about which kind of thyme can grow where. At every food show we would walk the aisles together, creating an instant mob scene wherever we decided to stop and taste the goods.
The last time I saw Julia was in Boston, just before she left to retire in Santa Barbara, Calif. We went to a cocktail event where, as usual, all the guests flocked around her the minute we entered the room. That evening, for the first time, she had to ask for a chair and continue her greetings while seated.
The next day, she asked me to meet her for lunch at Biba, Lydia Shire's restaurant, which was then THE place to be in Boston. When I got there, Julia was already at the table, seated in front of a tall drink that appeared to be tomato juice. Going with what I assumed was the flow, I asked the waiter for a Bloody Mary. To which Julia added, in her unmistakable multi-tone voice: "Oh, what a good idea! Could you make mine one, too?"
Lydia arrived on the double, with a bottle of vodka in hand. Glasses were filled (constantly), and I remember nothing but that sentence, which I try, very badly, to imitate once in a while.
You can’t overestimate the importance of a cultural phenomenon like Julia. Without her, would we even have multiple TV channels dedicated to cooking shows? Or so many food blogs?  I think that the cult of the kitchen started with Julia. She made people want to cook, talk about food and challenge themselves in the kitchen. 
And even now, years after her death, her fame grows with biographical books and movies. This month, to celebrate the 100th anniversary, restaurants around the country are offering special menus of her recipes.
But most of all, there are people cooking her recipes at home. That’s her true legacy. She got people to embrace French cuisine in their kitchens, with her confident voice ringing in their ears and her inspired (and tested!) recipes as a guide. Her joie de vivre and passion for food were infectious, and sharing them on her TV show made French food accessible to Americans. It made her a star, and she even created a catchphrase -- that sing-song trademark signoff, “Bon appétit!”  
Do you have a favorite Julia Child recipe or memory? Share it int he comments below!

How long before Snoop's reggae Lion runs out of puff

BOWIE had Ziggy for half a decade, Beyonce had Sasha Fierce for just one album,

 So how long will Snoop keep up the Lion act ?

He is shrewd businessman who knows how to grab headlines and "Snoop Lion" is a great headline
Everyone is now talking about his transformation and, more importantly, his new album, Reincarnated.
Snoop is leaping into the unknown; Reincarnated is an all-reggae album, which will have his fan base scratching their heads.

The press conference was Snoop's flamboyant way of telling them, "Don't be scared, reggae won't bite", but it also allowed him to reach out to new fans.
Telling the world that he was casting aside rap and its gun culture and now doing the sort of music that his family and children can listen to plays well with K-Mart and other Middle America stores.
And his embrace of Rastafarianism and Bob Marley keeps the reggae crowd on side and shores up his artistic credentials.

But the headline-grabber is his spiritual rebirth.
"I went to the temple, where the High Priest asked me what my name was, and I said, 'Snoop Dogg'. And he looked me in my eyes and said, 'No more. You are the light; you are the lion.'
"I have always said I was Bob Marley reincarnated. I feel I have always been a Rastafari. I just didn’t have my third eye open, but it's wide open right now.

"When I make records I like to come from the heart. On this particular project, I had no plans on going to Jamaica, making a reggae record. The spirit called me. And, you know, anytime the spirit calls you, you gotta know that it’s serious.
"I basically let them know what I want. It's not that I want to become Snoop Dogg in a reggae track ... I want to bury Snoop Dogg and become Snoop Lion."
Marley's son Rohan was at the conference and gave Snoop his blessing, because when you tell the world you're the Reggae Jesus you need the backing of reggae's most powerful name, even if you have a twinkle in your third eye.

Snoop's new album will be bolstered by a documentary of the same name, which will focus on Snoop's music and his rebirth. A coffee table book is also planned.
The press call follows news that Snoop was banned from entering Norway for two years after he tried to enter the country with marijuana.

The artist is a strong supporter of decriminalising marijuana but it unlikely the issue was a factor in his rebirth.
How long he stays a Lion will depend on sales. Snoop has sold more than 12 million records in the US, and over 30 million albums worldwide but his last album, Malice n Wonderland, performed poorly so a change of style and a raising of his profile may have been needed.
But artists who change direction risk much and the album charts are littered with unloved U-turns (Kylie's foray into Indie, Radiohead's avant garde Kid A, Lauryn Hill's spiritual misadventure, MTV Unplugged No 2.0 are just a few).

Expect the Dogg to make its comeback when Snoop's reggae album runs out of puff.

Snoop Dogg becomes Snoop Lion, readies reggae CD

Snoop Dogg wants you to know that he's tired of hip-hop, is Bob Marley reincarnated and is embracing reggae instead of the culture of guns he once rapped about.
Also, he's got a new name: Snoop Lion.
The artist said at a news conference Monday in New York that he was "born again" during a visit to Jamaica in February and is ready to make music that his "kids and grandparents can listen to."
The former gangster rapper is releasing a reggae album called "Reincarnated" in the fall. He said that in Jamaica, he connected with Bob Marley's spirit and is now "Bob Marley reincarnated."
Bob Marley's son Rohan attended the conference and gave Snoop his blessing.
"I feel like I've always been Rastafarian," Snoop said of the spiritual Jamaican movement. While there, he said, he visited a temple, was renamed Snoop Lion and was also given the Ethiopian name Berhane, meaning "light of the world."
Snoop didn't explain why he was switching from "Dogg" to "Lion," but it's likely a reference to the Lion of Judah, a religious symbol popular in Rastafarian and Ethiopian culture.

Later, he played five songs for a small crowd, including one called "No Guns Allowed." It features his daughter and includes the lyrics, "No guns allowed in here tonight, we're going to have a free for all, no fights."
"It's so tragic that people are doing stupid things with guns," he said.
Snoop, best known for hits like "Gin and Juice" and "Drop It Like It's Hot," is an avid supporter of marijuana rights and has been banned from entering Norway for two years after trying to enter the country with a small amount last month.
He said that in Jamaica, where he stayed for 35 days, he grew closer to his wife, who saw his transition. He added that he's excited to perform music that his family and children can listen to.
"As a 40-year-old man ... I've got to give them something," he said. "That's what you do when you're wise."
Snoop Dogg said he's not completely retiring from hip-hop but is "tired" of the genre because it is no longer challenging.
"Reggae was calling ... it's a breath of fresh air," he said. "Rap isn't challenging; it's not appealing."
The album was produced by Diplo and will feature Snoop singing. It will be released on Vice Records.
The album will be followed with a documentary of the same name, also produced by Vice. It features Snoop making music and will include some personal elements of his life, a producer of the film said. It will debut at the Toronto International Film Festival in September.
A coffee table book about Snoop's rebirth is also in the works.
"It feels like I'm 19 or 20 years old again," he said.

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